Is there any way to auto-shutdown my PC after steam finished downloading the game queue? - Have you ever wait for the download to complete in order to shutdown system? Have you ever start a download in the night, fall asleep and the. Slow Pc . · If any other period is set then after every interval the task of shut down will be done. After setting the start time click next. in Action tab select ‘Start a program’ and click next. the Program/script bar type the path ‘ C:\Windows\System32\ ‘. Give ‘ . Answer (1 of 2): Most probably your game got an update when your PC was off. In that case downloading starts again from beginning. You can disable auto updates for.
Click on 'Change plan settings' and put the computer to sleep after 'X' time. The Steam downloading counts as activity (like a movie) on the computer. Once it stops, computer will go to sleep. While it isn't a complete shut down, putting the computer to sleep is a good alternative for power management. On PS3, if you start downloading a game, choose to download in the background, and then choose the power off option, it will ask you if you want to shut down the system after the download completes. This is the feature they want on Steam. Reliable way to shut down your PC after downloading something from Steam If you like to leave your computer running in order to finish Steam. › Downloads. A simple program that will help you in case you want your PC to shutdown after steam is done with downloading, but you don't wanna be there.
How To Set Computer To Shutdown After Steam Download Pc. How can I get Steam to download games during off hours? Ask Question Click on the 'Conditions' Tab and make sure 'Wake Computer to run this Task' is set. It is important to leave your computer on and not shut it down when you go to bed and want Steam to download while you are in dreamland with Xena. Launch Steam, shutdown after 1. A simple program that will help you in case you want your PC to shutdown after steam is done with downloading, but you don't wanna be there when it happens. Automatic shutdown after Steam downloads have finished. What is it? First program that uses actual Steam files which indicate directly what downloads are running. It doesn't use any hack like tracking the hard drive or network usage. So this is the first reliable program that shutdowns the PC as soon as all Steam downloads have finished. Usage.